Friday, March 2, 2012

Ahhh, Friday

Every Friday morning we attend our homeschool co-op where the girls get to take various classes with their friends. Among the classes they take are kindermusic, presidents and elections, weather, drawing, Little House in the Big Woods, the deeper meanings found in Dr. Seuss (Kassy's class), and American History.  This term I'm teaching a class on American heroes as well as a multi-sensory handwriting class for the younger kids. 

In their Little House in the Big Woods class today, Bella and Trista got to make butter in their own little jars. Bella's Presidents and Elections teacher has given them the assignment to write a letter to the president that they are actually going to send to him. Now she just has to come up with which issue she'll address in her letter, and write it, of course. 

After co-op we headed down the street to our Leap Day find: our new favorite park. A good time was had by all the girls this time. Maya was awake and Kassy reluctantly joined us.

Ava's a little tuckered out on the right while Aria practices her swinging skills.

Bella was ready to fly! She took this jump several times. Unfortunately, wood chips are a little more slippery than sand, so each time she came down her feet slid right out from underneath her. Apparently, it was worth it.


Kassy started the park visit out with lunch and a good read on the swings. 

So, Maya's pretty much potty trained. She stays dry all day at home and when we go out her diaper stays dry and she uses the potty. So, why not put her in panties when we're out in public? Well, I guess something about panties just rubbed her the wrong way today. After 2 accidents at co-op it was back into a diaper. Luckily, it was cute because we had no spare pants. Of course, she has stayed dry the whole rest of the day. 

And she's having fun!! 

At the end of the day, I'm welcoming the weekend with a sigh of relief because we have made it through this terribly busy week. Time to relax. Well, maybe after Trista's 9 am soccer game, in the morning. 

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