Friday, November 9, 2012

On My Birthday.

On my birthday, I woke up at 8:01, except for an earlier moment when my sweet husband whispered, “Happy Birthday, Beautiful,” before leaving for work. I woke up with Maya on my chest, thankful that her raspy breathing had calmed and her skin had become cool again without medicine this time. I read morning scriptures as child after child quietly crept into my room. I was thrilled by the card and candy Bella presented to me giving me the title “Best Mom Ever.” I was asked breakfast requests and given the order to not get out of bed yet. I ate candy before breakfast. I finished studying while I listened to little voices discussing who needed to do what to clean up the cereal that had ended up on the stairs. I was thankful for the older voice that told the youngers to go get a new bowl of cereal because, “Mom is not going to eat the cereal you just cleaned off the floor.” I decided this morning was too sweet not to record as I dutifully waited to be served. My breakfast is now eaten, I’ve caught up to this moment. It’s been a cute, relaxing morning and I’m only 55 minutes into this day.