My grandmother collected old bottles and loved depression glass. This was one of her pieces that I was lucky enough to end up with. When I was younger I remember studying it and thinking what a shame it was that it had somehow ended up being crooked. Now I love it! That quirky trait gives it character and sets it apart.
This was taken indoors around around 1:30. The light was window light. The day was pretty dark outside, so I put the vase in the window sill to catch as much light as possible coming through.
ISO: 400Aperture: f/2.2Shutter speed: 1/160
I love how the light makes all of the details stand out, especially the quirky lopsidedness:)
This was taken outdoors around 3:00. The light is coming from the right of the camera and was filtered by clouds.
ISO: 100
Aperture: f/5.6
Shutter Speed: 1/125
This is one of two lion statues in front of our public library. They fascinate me! I was using a telephoto lens and hoping for a much more shallow depth of focus. I feel like I could have achieved that if I had been able to get closer to the statue. However, this walkway is pretty old and has been blocked off for preservation sake, so I had to take what I could get with my zoom.
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