Kassy taught this week's lesson as she was passing off a goal for Personal Progress. She did a great job teaching us about faith. We opened by singing "Faith," prayed, read a scripture, she gave a brief explanation of faith, and then read the story of the brother of Jared. She asked J.T. and I if we could share a story about how faith in Heavenly Father has helped us in our lives. Then she posed the question to her sisters, "How can you show faith in Heavenly Father in your life?" They gave a few answers and then each drew pictures. (Ava's is currently MIA, but will be added once it's found.) Enjoy looking over their responses. There's one in particular that I find pretty comical. Only because it rings so true to my life.
Bella showed faith when she lost her school book, prayed for help, and then was able to easily find it.
Trista sees the little girls being naughty and bothering Mommy a lot. That night she prays that they will be nicer the next day so that Mom will be happier. Thanks to her faith, the little girls are nicer the next day and Mom is happy.
I'm sure to 2-year-old Maya that there is a deep and faithful meaning inside all those scribbles.
Aria shows some boys counting their money so that they can show their faith by paying their tithing.